Total Drama Island Fanfiction wikia
Survivor- Faroe Islands

Tucked away in the middle of the fearsome waves of the North Atlantic ocean lie a world unknown to most. A world containing relics of a past of waring, seafaring and a culture of combat. A world known as the Faroe Islands. And in Survivor's 38th season, 18 Americans will embark to this strange land and uncover secrets that could change everything. Who will prevail and who will fall on Survivor: Faroe Islands - Land of the Vikings?

Contestant Profiles

Episode 1: "Play Hard or Play In Your Basement!"

As choppy, oppressive waters from the North Atlantic Ocean ruthlessly pummeled themselves onto the muddy shores of grainy beaches, the authoritative voice of a man in his early fifties could be heard.

"These, are the Faroe Islands!", exclaimed Jeff Probst. "A land with a history marred by infamy! Now a thriving community of Danish innovators, this rustic land was once inhabited by vikings! Feared by those long ago, these ruthless seafarers would plunder and pillage wherever they went, using brutal weaponry and roaming the open seas with their sturdy boats! Below me, 18 Americans from different walks of life will embark on the adventure of a lifetime to these mysterious islands!"

(CONF) "I'm seeing these REALLY coarse waves, like they could just take down this entire boat in an instant!", said Kelly. "I know that we're out on the open seas and pretty much anything can go on Survivor, but this just looks brutal and really, really savage!"

"Together, these strangers from different walks of life will have to learn to work together, or they will be voted out of the tribe!", Jeff continued.

(CONF) "We're all huddled up on this cramped little boat and I'm not thinking about how uncomfortable I am or how sweaty the person next to me is!", exclaimed Stewart. "All I'm thinking is, I'M ON SURVIVOR! I'M FREAKING ON SURVIVOR! So if I had the choice, I would just jump out of this boat right now and swim to the nearest island!"

Jeff's narration culminated with the usual continuation of his season openings. "In the end, only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize!"

(CONF) "I'm just sitting here idly and I think that's a bloody waste of time!", John bellowed. "I just want to begin this and take this on like it's a war and I'm going to lead my side to victory and take out the other side, so they can all yell 'Crikey!' And I'm losing patience, so this better began as soon as possible!"

"Thirty nine-days! 18 people! 1 Survivor!", Jeff shouted. The camera then zoomed out and the intro began. After the intro concluded, the camera returned to Jeff.

"Welcome to Survivor: Faroe Islands!", Jeff exclaimed. "Are you ready to get on with this?" Everyone nodded. "Great! Now as you can probably tell, you're going to have to evacuate this boat and swim to the nearest island to get to camp! But it's not quite that simple this time! Attached to this boat are two replica viking boats that you will use to get to your camps! They fit nine each, so your entire tribe will have no issue getting in there! This season however, there's a slight twist!" Everyone gulped.

(CONF) "When we were all listening to Jeff, he told us that there was going to be some type of twist before we got to camp!", exclaimed Kendra. "Now, I'm a HUGE student of this game, I've written blogs on it and all, so I feel like this is going to be something we've seen before! We're probably going to only have our clothes on our backs, yadda yadda, I know what Jeff will probably say, but I'll just wait and humor him by listening!"

"So for this season, you're going to be living on separate islands!", Jeff exclaimed. No one seemed particularly phased by this, particularly Stewart and Kendra, who rolled their eyes. "But that's not all!", he continued. Everyone's eyes immediately turned back to Jeff. "In addition to this, while you will be living on separate islands, you can freely visit the other tribe whenever you please! When I call out the first nine of you, you will be on Gokstad, which is named after a famous viking boat! John, Alex, Will, Andrew, Isabel, Amanda, Julie, Gina and Kelly, you're Gokstad!", Jeff handed the nine of them red buffs as he turned to the remaining nine. "You guys, you're Oseberg, named after another famous viking boat! Stewart, Rob, Dan, Eric, Sam, Alice, Kendra, Catherine and Olivia, you're Oseberg!" Jeff then handed the remaining nine blue buffs.

"You guys have 60 seconds to gather as many supplies as you can!", exclaimed Jef. "Then hop into the long boats below this one and cut them loose. After that, you will paddle to your name homes! Survivors ready? GO!" Everyone began scattering in seemingly opposite directions as they grabbed whatever they could. Gokstad was able to grab a few more items than Oseberg, namely fruit and tarps. After the time had elapsed, both tribes dove into the water with their supplies, lifting them into their boats before heading into them and sailing off to their islands.

(CONF) "Jumping off that boat didn't phase me in the SLIGHTEST!", said Ally. "I'm a professional skater and our entire LIVES depend on being able to...well, risk our lives to do crazy things for a thrill! And if you ask me, that was absolutely EPIC! I'm hoping this is only the beginning!"

Meanwhile, the members of Oseberg were having a bit more trouble with their boat. Olivia was flailing around in the water, trying to grab onto the boat. "Help!", Olivia yelled. "I need to get up!"

(CONF) "When we jumped off the boat, I was really, REALLY nervous!", exclaimed Olivia. "I'm just a meh swimmer, so when we were told that we'd have to swim all the way to shore from the big boat, I started getting scared! God, why couldn't I have practiced more before I came out here?! It's just so...nerve-wracking!"

Suddenly, Dan grabbed Olivia and pulled her up out of the boat, helping her dry off as he paddled along with the rest of Oseberg. "I know the seas can be a little bit rough sometimes!", Dan replied. "It happened to me all the time when I went swimming as a kid!" Olivia smiled at him, thankful for being rescued.

(CONF) "I noticed that the girl in the business suit, I think her name was Olivia...she was really struggling to get up", said Dan. "And I'd help her no matter what, because that's what any decent person would do, but especially now, since we're in the middle of the ocean and we have to get to the island we've been told to go to! I know it'll be hard sometimes, but the way I see it, we're all going to survive like pros in a day or two!"

Meanwhile, Gokstad was having no trouble as they continued rowing to their island, everyone in good spirits. Ally began to sing "Drunken Sailors" as they rowed, eliciting laughter from everyone.

(CONF) "That guy in the skater hat and clothes, he's a goofball, just a total goofball!", Andrew exclaimed. "We're all shivering and huddling together because we need to get to our island and yet he's SINGING! I definitely think he's going to be some type of clown, so I'm gonna keep my eye on him, that's for sure!"

Eventually, Gokstad reached their island, the boat tapping against a wooden dock. "We're home!", Ally shouted, causing Isabel to facepalm in amusement. She tied the boat to the rope provided on the dock as she followed the others out.

(CONF) "Alex, he's just totally erratic and crazy!", Isabel proclaimed. "We've been paddling endlessly for hours and the MINUTE we reach the island, he's sprinting out of the boat like he's some type of energy ball! This will probably be good for challenges, but around camp? Might not be so keen with that!"

As the others headed to their new home, Will gazed at the mountains. "I think that this used to be home to some type of Nordic tribe thousands of years ago!", Will declared. Julie rolled her eyes playfully at him, turning her back. "When you're done marveling at the wonders of the past, please help us set up camp!", Kelly quipped. Will wasn't annoyed, chuckling a bit to himself.

(CONF) "I'm really, really into studying the past a great deal!", Will exclaimed. "It's why I'm a historian! I know a lot of people probably wonder why you should bother with stuff like that, given that it happened and it's done, but I know my facts and if you don't know you're history, you're going to repeat it! Hence why I study it!"

As Will continued gazing at the mountains, John walked up to a rock and turned to his tribe. "Alright folks, I think I know how we oughta set up this ramshackle island into a worthy abode!", John shouted. "First off, making a dwelling is very important, it's necessary to ward off against any potential predators!"

(CONF) "Having lived in Australia, I'd say I'm relatively skilled in wilderness survival.", John explained. "When you live in a country where half the animals don't even live anywhere else on earth and they have the potential to shoot all sorts of multi-syllabled poisons into your body, then you need to know how to defend against them!"

John took out a machete that he found on the boat, then began hacking away at one of the nearby evergreen trees. Amanda noticed his prowess and watched him.

"Hey, you think I might be able to have a turn at that?", Amanda asked him. Realizing he would look worse if he said no, John conceded, handing her the machete.

"Yeah, be careful though", he said in a fatherly tone. Amanda chuckled and swung at the tree, making a notable dent in it.

"Alright!", Amanda yelled happily. John cheered her on as she held her fist up in triumph.

(CONF) "I definitely am happy with John so far!", said Amanda. "At first, I worried he was going to be this bossy, authoritarian control freak, like a lot of older people are on Survivor, but I get those warm father vibes from him, not those controlling, "do as I say ones", which is great!"

As the two handled wood chopping duties, Kelly turned to Andrew. "I've never seen two people get that excited over wood! It's crazy!", Kelly proclaimed. Andrew seemed to agree with the sentiment.

"Yeah, but you gotta do what you gotta do!", Andrew replied. "Not really my type of job, more of a fishing guy."

"Fair enough!", Kelly replied. "I think I'm going to try to make a fire." Andrew nodded and followed her along.

(CONF) "Andrew's a cool guy, I definitely like him a ton", Kelly said. "I get this very laid-back, congenial demeanor from him, like he's that supportive big brother who's snarking with you about how dumb your parents are, and he seems like he's going to be competent enough, so I could see some type of alliance forming with him!"

Meanwhile at Oseberg, things were going a little bit....differently.. Dan started to look for firewood for the fire, while Stu had other plans of his own. "Guys! Guys! I'm officially calling a MEETING!", Stu proclaimed loudly. The others, minus Dan and Sam, who had walked off to Dan, looked at Stu in confusion.

"A meeting?", Rob asked in confusion. "What kind of meeting?"

"Oh, you'll see!", Stu proclaimed. "All of you will see!"

Rob's puzzled appearance did not disappear with this answer, with him continuing to arch his head in bewilderment.

(CONF) "This Stu lad, I think he's called that, he told us he wanted to start a sort of meeting", Rob explained. "And he won't give any details or anything! I just don't know what's going on through his mind and I want him to just tell me straight up what's going on!"

Stu continued shouting, causing everyone but Dan and Sam to head over to him. "I thought that since we're new to the island, we should have a little bit of fun before we get down to business! Good old fashioned, SURVIVOR fun!", Stu shouted.

Kendra seemed excited as she listened with curiosity. "Survivor? Tell me more!", she yelped happily. Stu nodded as he pulled out what appeared to be a purple cloth.

"Certainly!", Stu replied. "People, this is an original Outcast buff from Pearl Islands! Did anyone see that season?" Alice shook her head.

"No, I haven't", she said. "What about it?"

"Very simple!", Stu explained. "The Outcasts was a ghost tribe that came into existence on Day 19! It was made for the purpose of allowing eliminated players to return and have another chance in the game!"

" Redemption Is-", but before Alice could finish, Stu cut her off.

"Please don't mention that season, it didn't happen!", he snarled as he continued explaining.

(CONF) "Stu was teaching us all about different seasons", said Alice. "And I don't have much knowledge of the early ones, so it's good to find out about all of this! That said, aren't you usually supposed to tend to camp when you get to your camp on Survivor? It's what I've always been told!"

Eventually, Stu finished explaining. "So, I thought we could play Outcast twist before we start working on camp! Anyone want to participate?...Anyone?...Anyone? Bueller?" Kendra was the lone person to reply, waving her hand enthusiastically in the air. "Oh, pick me! Pick me!", she yelled like an excited grade-schooler. Stu smiled as pointed to her.

"Ms.....what's your last name?", he asked Kendra sheepishly.

"Banks", she replied.

"Ms. Banks, you may have a part in the class play!", Stu replied in a voice reminiscent of a school teacher.

"Yay!", she shouted as she ran over to him.

"The only problem is that there's no Rupert!", Stu shouted. "I wish we got the bearded guy on our tribe, he'd be a perfect Rupert!"

"Not a problem!", Kendra replied as she held her hair up to her face. "I can play a mean Mr. Boneham if I want!", she said in a gravely voice reminiscent of Rupert's.

"Perfect!", Stu chortled in return. The two began playing the game as the rest of the tribe rolled their eyes. Dan and Sam in particular were not pleased.

"That's so nonsensical!", Dan exclaimed.

(CONF) "Stu and Kendra have been wasting at LEAST thirty minutes on playing the Outcasts!", Dan remarked. "I get that he likes Survivor, in fact we all do, since we're on the show, but how is it going to help the tribe if we're just dawdling around instead of building a camp and getting food? I think he's a GREAT kid, but he needs to get his head in the game and pitch in!"

"I'm worried Stu's not helping out", Dan told Sam. "We all need to work together out here!"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, that Outcast crap? It ain't necessary and it's a load of crap!", Sam growled. "He isn't helping one bit, just sitting on his butt!"

Dan chuckled. "I wouldn't say it that bluntly, but I think a little help from him would be nice!"

"It'd be more than nice!", Sam replied. "It'd be NECESSARY!"

(CONF) "I like Dan, he's a good guy!", Sam exclaimed. "He's one of the only people here who have had the balls to say what was on their mind, to say what we're all thinking, but too pansy to say! I'm a hard worker, I've owned a cab company for 20 years and if you don't pull your weight, you're fired! And I wish I was Stu's boss right now, because if I was, I'd be handing him a pink slip as big as this island and telling him to take a hike!"

Meanwhile, the situation with Stu only grew more bizarre. He was getting increasingly invested in his little game, portraying every 'character' he needed to.

"Aargh! What are these scallywag players doing back here?!", Stu growled as he imitated Rupert's guttural voice. Immediately, he then started speaking as if he was Jeff Probst himself.

"Well, Drake and Morgan are experiencing one of the BIGGEST twists in Survivor history!", he continued. Kendra then joined in excitedly, putting on her best sad face as Lil.

"I'm so sad! We haven't had many rations and Andrew was mean to me, wah!", Kendra remarked. The two then began laughing as Catherine rolled her eyes in annoyance from afar.

(CONF) "Watching Stu and Kendra play around like they were fanboys and fangirls, it was pretty pathetic, to be honest!", Catherine remarked. "I'm a fan of the show and I'm going to assume a good portion of us are fans too, but seriously, how old are we that we have to pretend to play people from other seasons, as if this is some type of game?! It's annoying, I won't beat around the bush at all!"

Eventually, Stu and Kendra collapsed to the ground laughing, unable to compose themselves anymore.

"My god! This is THE funniest thing I've ever done related to Survivor! Holy shit!", Stu wheezed.

"I'd think this would be pretty amateur for someone like you, personally!", Kendra retorted.

"Nah, nothing can compare to this! I guess the time I kept repeating 'RAWKS' when I wanted to imitate Deb Eaton was funny, but that's just one word! This is an entire scene!", Stu replied.

(CONF) "I love having Kendra around, simply because she likes all the same things I do!", Stu beamed happily. "There's being a fan of Survivor and then there's madly typing on your computer every Wednesday about what you thought about the latest episode or other little details like that that one-THOUSAND percent of the population thinks is useless! But I don't care what anyone else thinks, because those guys aren't REAL fans! And fake fans never make it far in this game!"

Back at Gokstad, the shelter was about set up, while John smiled proudly. "I'd say that's just about perfect! The about's to be humble!", he emphasized to the tribe. The others laughed at this remark, particularly Ally.

(CONF) "We did a hell of a job putting up the shelter, I'm not going to lie about that!", John remarked. "Really good we did too, because if there's one thing a person should heed before going on Survivor, it's to have a stable camp! You need it to decisively kick the asses of the other tribe to Tribal Council and I'm more than ready to begin some kicking!"

As John and Ally looked proudly at the shelter, Will began pulling out twigs from the ground, trying to line them up neatly.

"What is that?", Ally asked curiously.

"It's a sun dial!", Will remarked. "I'm trying to build one for the tribe!"

"...A sun dial? What exactly is that?", Ally replied.

"It's an apparatus used to tell time", Will began explaining. "Ancient societies used them before clocks were available. Basically, the position of the sun will create a shadow of a certain length on the ground and by using the shadow, you get the time of the day! It's really neat! Hell, I've been building them since I was at least 8 years old!"

Ally didn't seem nearly as impressed. "We're in the wild bro! Why would we need to tell the time? Don't we, like, just have to know when to show up for challenges and shit?"

"Nah, that's a misconception", Will replied. "If we have a proper idea of the time, then we'll know when to get sleep and when to wake up and forage for food, so we can be more organized than Oseberg! You need to be methodical with these kinds of things!"

"Whatever dude!", Ally rolled his eyes in boredom. "I think that's totally USELESS and you should be doing FUN things!"

(CONF) "Will's a really, REALLY strange guy!", Ally began. "We were just trying to build the shelter, catch some fish and basically do the things you're supposed to do on the first day of Survivor and then he just begins talking non-stop about sun dials or whatever the hell they're called! There've been thirty something winners by this point and I don't think a single one has built a sun dial yet!"

Will was shocked at Ally's lack of interesting in the sun dial, walking off in confusion. Julie however seemed more invested. "Wow, that's resourceful!", Julie exclaimed. "I never would have thought of building a sun dial!"

"Really? That's awesome! Finally someone who gets efficiency! You're Julie, right?", Will asked curiously.

"Right!", she replied enthusiastically.

"That's great! Maybe you could give me a hand with this sun dial then!", said Will.

"Yeah, I could definitely help.", Julie replied as she kneeled down. The two then began working tirelessly on the sundial, constructing it piece by piece.

(CONF) "Will's been showing me a lot of interesting things!", Julie explained. "I'm a doctor and you'd think that since we need to cut people open for a living we'd be the handy types, but I'm the last person you want helping out around the house! But Will, he showed me how to build a sun dial and that was a big help! We could use more of his contraptions for sure!"

Meanwhile, Kelly, Gina and Amanda walked toward the forested portion of their island, gazing at their surroundings.

"What a place this is!", Kelly exclaimed. "It's so expansive!" Amanda and Gina laughed, continuing to walk along with her.

(CONF) "Seeing the forest was beyond amazing!", Kelly exclaimed. "I've seen every season of Survivor on TV, but actually being on the show and experiencing the location you're in? Not something I ever was able to fathom until now! I'm not much of a camping type or particularly outdoorsy, so this is a first for me!"

Amanda couldn't agree more, nodding along happily. "Yeah, this is an amazing place! HELLOOOOOOOOOO!", she bellowed out with excitement. After that, she ran ahead of the two, much to Kelly's amusement and Gina's annoyance.

(CONF) "Oh my god, this was so awesome!", Amanda yelped. "I just love to go new places and do new things and who would have ever thought I'd be on an island near the Arctic?! As a saleswoman, I've gone to a lot of unique places, but this was definitely something totally out of this world!"

As Amanda darted through the woods at breakneck speed, Gina couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Wow, already on the first day she's going to get lost in the forest?! What a tribe we are!"

"Hey, I'm sure we're a lot more competent than the other tribe", Kelly responded. "I saw a few flakes there."

"I hope you're right", Gina responded. "First chance we go to tribal, I'm wondering about writing her name down!"

(CONF) "Amanda's already been getting on my nerves", Gina grumbled. "I'm really happy to be here too, but you don't see me running around like a lunatic because I'm by trees! I can't imagine her living in a rural area! OH MY GOD, AN OAK! I'M COMING FOR YAAAAAAAAH! But it doesn't matter! I'm in politics for a reason! You need to be smart for it and frankly, I don't see her being smart enough to last longer than me!"

As the three women proceeded off into the woods, Isabel watched from the distance, deep in contemplation. "Very interesting", she pondered.

Back at Oseberg, things had not changed very much. Dan gathered up Sam and Rob by a log, with the intention of bonding with the two.

"So, where are you two from again?", Dan asked curiously.

"Brooklyn, born and raised baby!" Sam responded with bravado.

"Cool stuff! And you?", Dan curiously turned to Rob.

"Oh, I'm from Ireland", Rob started. "I grew up in County Cork in a village! Green as can be, lots of farms and...bars!", he laughed.

Dan and Sam both returned with chuckles of their own, the three men chortling away happily.

"And I'm from Baltimore!", Dan howled with laughter.

"An Irish man, a New Yorker and a...Maryland-er! What a crowd!", Rob squealed.

(CONF) "I've had a very...wild life.", explained Rob. "My mum, my brothers and my sisters all were together from the time I was born!..Dad wasn't in the picture really. Left when I was 1 and haven't seen him since! She always claimed he was a drinker and partier, which I can believe. Coming to America a few years ago feels like a fresh start for me and I'm glad Dan and Sam didn't care where I was born, they're good lads!"

"One person who's driven me crazy so far is that Stu guy, though", Dan started. "He hasn't done anything around camp and he seems to be going off with Kendra a lot."

"Oh, him?", Sam asked. "Yeah, he hasn't done a damn thing since he's gotten here except played Rupert all day!"

"He kept talking about the Outcasts!", Rob exclaimed.

"That's why I'm going to go get him!", Dan proclaimed. "Hopefully I can talk some sense into him and get him to realize what we're here for!"

(CONF) "All this time, I realized that Stu was nowhere to be found!", Dan explained. "And I have to find him pronto. Not working around camp, not pitching in, not really socializing with anyone but...I think her name is Kendyl, he just hasn't been doing what you're supposed to here! And I'm going to correct it if it's the last thing I do!"

Meanwhile, Stu and Kendra were walking through the woods, discussing their favorite players.

"I'm really into the Cambodia cast", Stu explained. "It's when the Big Moves really began and you started to see the game evolve!"

"Yeah, I like your style of thinking!", Kendra replied. "More of a Will Wahl type of person, though! HE's a game master if I've ever seen one!" Stu chuckled at her response.

"He's definitely a good choice!", Stu replied happily.

(CONF) "Stu's a really, really great guy!", Kendra beamed. "We're both really, really big fans of the game and I know you're supposed to get along with people from different walks of life, but having someone who thinks EXACTLY like you is a MAJOR asset in this game! We might as well be chained to the hip at this point because we're going far together!"

As Dan began marching off to find Stu, he bumped into Eric. "Oops, sorry there!", Dan apologized. Eric seemed startled, but quickly regained his composure.

"Not a problem!", Eric reassured him. "My fault anyway, I was being a bit clumsy!"

"I was going to ask, have you seen Stu? I haven't spotted him all afternoon." Dan explained.

"No, haven't caught a glimpse of him", said Eric. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm tired of him not pitching in and helping us", said Dan. "This is a team effort and he's only looking out for himself!"

"Want me to help you find him?", Eric offered.

"That'd be great!", Dan exclaimed. "Follow me!" Eric proceeded to do just that as he trudged along.

(CONF) "Apparently Stu hasn't been around camp all day", Eric started. "I haven't really noticed him, so Dan does have a point! If he's not going to help out around camp, that's really not good for our morale and for beating the other team, so we should probably fix this sooner rather than later!"

As Stu and Kendra continued their stroll through the woods, they could hear idle chit-chat from two of their tribe mates.

"Oh shit!", Stu yelped. "Who could that be?!"

Kendra gulped "I don't know, but we should probably move...and fast!" Stu galloped after her as they headed further into the woods.

(CONF) "Me and Kendra were minding our own business when all of a sudden, we heard footsteps, LOUD footsteps!", Stu emphasized. "I know that a few people haven't been happy with how little work me and to a lesser extent Kendra haven't done, but seriously, it's only day 1! I need to keep my eyes REALLY peeled, because that frankly irks me!"

Kendra and Stu quickly leapt into a nearby bush, while Dan and Eric walked along the guided path.

"This definitely is a REALLY nice island!", Eric exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's definitely really huge!", said Dan. "I'm from Maryland and when you live in a city like Baltimore, you're not going to be seeing endless forests like these any time soon!"

"I've never been to Maryland!", Eric admitted. "I'm from California and I've seen a lot of the country, but I guess it was never on my to-do list!"

"Promise to visit it after the season, then!", Dan teased him.

"Will do!", Eric chortled.

(CONF) "Eric's a great guy!", Dan exclaimed. "I had no problem finding Stu on my own, but going with him, it makes things all the more fun! He's definitely had some different life experiences from me, but I wouldn't mind incorporating him into any alliance I make going forward in the game!"

"I think I heard some foot steps going this way", Dan pointed to the cluster of trees and shrubbery. "Let's check over there!"

"Good idea!", Eric nodded. Stu and Kendra were shaking with fear as the duo passed by them.

"Hmmm, I don't see them anywhere", Dan said. "This is really weird!"

"Hey, aren't we allowed to go to the other tribe's island?", Eric suggested. "What if he went over to there?"

"That's actually a good point!", Dan remarked. "Let's wait back at camp so we can talk to him when he gets back!"

"I like your thinking!", Eric replied as the two then walked off. Once they were out of earshot, Stu and Kendra leapt out of the bushes.

"Finally!", Stu cried out. "I couldn't take it in there anymore!"

"You said it!", Kendra replied. "But thank god they left!"

"What if they come back, though?", Stu suggested with a smirk on his face.

"Idol?", Kendra asked instinctively

"Idol!", Stu hollered out. The two then began to scurry the woods eagerly, hoping to come back with the prized trinket.

(CONF) "After those goons Dan and Eric went back to camp, me and Stu realized we were probably best off finding the idol!", Kendra explained. "He wasn't wrong, because you always want to have power in this game and when you have power, you can do all sorts of crazy things! You're on Survivor, so you either play hard or play in your basement!"

Trudging along the dirt path, Stu and Kendra looked feverishly for all of the potential hiding places of the elusive idol.

"Nothing yet", Kendra sighed. "All I found were some rocks and..worms, yuck!", she shook her hand clean.

"I can't find anything either", Stu said as he stuck his hand in an empty hole. "I wonder where the damn thing could be!"

"Well, we just need to think like we're actually on the show!", Kendra pointed out. "What if it's high up in one of the trees, rather on the ground?"

"Good thinking!", Stu exclaimed. He then began climbing up one of the taller trees, scurrying around the branches quickly. After some maneuvering, he eventually found it. "Oh my god, I actually have it!", he yelled excitedly, before dropping down from the tree.

(CONF) "I can't believe this is actually happening!", Stu yelped, holding the idol up to the camera. "I always said being on Survivor would be cool, but finding the hidden immunity idol?! This is too good to be true! I'm definitely holding onto it for now, but if things get bad, then I can always whip it out if I have to! I'm hoping not, because if I keep this thing, I'll be long for the game!"

"This is incredible!", Kendra smiled ear to ear. "I know!", Stu replied. "We're definitely going to do well with this thing on our side!" As they reveled in their victory, Kendra could see the sun begin to set.

"We probably should get back to camp, it's getting late", said Kendra.

"Yeah, we don't want to look too suspicious", Stu replied. The two then headed back, hoping their tribemates wouldn't notice.

The sun soon set in the sky, while the night time stars shone brightly. Eventually, the next day came and productivity was endless on Gokstad. John was adding finishing touches to the shelter, while Will and Andrew were helping him.

"That should do the trick, mates!", John said. "This is looking more like a home every day!" Andrew and Will were pleased with his approval.

(CONF) "John's been a source of harmony for us so far!", Andrew explained. "Our shelter was pretty good, but he suggested making a few alterations and it's even sturdier now! He's definitely a fatherly type and those are assets for your tribe, so he can keep giving us pointers!"

"I don't think Ally's been working much", Will said. "Last time I saw him, he was trying to create a half-pipe or something skating related."

John raised an eyebrow, then turned his head as he saw Ally trying to stand on a piece of wood, pretending he was skating down the island.

"Watch this!", Ally said as Isabel, Gina, Amanda, Julie and Kelly watched him from afar. He plopped onto the piece of wood, but only landed on his backside as the five of them laughed.

"You're lucky I'm an engineer!", Isabel teased. "Now I can tell you scientifically why it'll never work here!"

"Don't ruin a man's dreams!", Ally whined playfully.

(CONF) "I don't want to be bored here!", Ally said. "When you're in the middle of nowhere on an island, you need things to do and there's definitely no TV, no games, nothing, which explains the wood board! Isabel says it doesn't work, but I think she's in denial, because I'll be skating around her for this entire game!"

John, Will and Andrew continued to work on the shelter as they watched from afar.

"He definitely is a goofball", Andrew noted.

"Yeah, he's giddy for sure", Will added.

"Which is why I think he'd be a perfect ally!", John reasoned. "I bet he'll do whatever we want and we can take over this tribe! As long as we have one of the women on our side, of course."

"You sure?", Will wondered. "He seems like he's more concerned with having fun than being involved in serious game dynamics."

John nodded. "Positive. Blokes like him can always be guided back if you know how to work with them!"

(CONF) "I'm certain Ally is going to be a good...well, ally for an alliance I'm working on!", John stated. "Sure, he's a little wonky upstairs, but that can easily be redirected toward the visions you have, as long as you give them room to run around. He's a lot like a child in that sense. They do their homework if you give them a sweetie just need to handle the sugar rush after."

Once the girls cleared away from Ally, John approached him. "Can I talk to you for a second, mate?" Ally then nodded. "Yeah, what is it?"

"I want you to join an alliance I'm setting up", John explained. "Me, you, Andrew, Will and one of the girls, not sure who yet. Are you in?"

"An alliance...hmmm", Ally thought to himself. "If I join, can I still have fun and do things like making half-pipes? I don't just want to be talking game all day! And can you make sure Will doesn't keep talking about weather vanes or whatever he keeps building? It's BORING!"

John nodded. "I'll make sure there are lots of moments for skating and no weather vanes, er, sun dials. That work?"

Ally nodded once more. "I'm in!" John smiled at his response, nodding then walking back to Andrew and Will.

(CONF) "So, it looks like I'm in an alliance, as they like to call it", Ally explained. "Not really was part of my to-do list, was more interested in having fun and skating around here, but I guess I'm in if I can keep doing my thing! It'll be weird working with someone like Will, but John told me that he won't talk about any of his weird stuff, so that makes me happy!"

"So, he's in the alliance?', Andrew inquired.

"Yup, he's going to be working with us! He told me that he doesn't want to talk about weather vanes, Will. Can you handle that?"

Will sighed. "I guess I can for the good of the tribe. A shame, though. Also, please tell him I made a sun dial, not a weather vane."

(CONF) "It seems like Ally is going to be working with us", said Will. "It's good to have a secure alliance, but I'm worried there's going to be tension. Ally seems to be the type of person who is more carefree, not particularly prone to rumination and that clashes with the neurotic type of person I am. Time will tell on this one, but I'm a bit concerned."

As the afternoon progressed, Oseberg attempted more bonding exercises. Dan had everyone huddled around in a circle, minus Stu and Kendra, who were trudging back to camp.

"So, your first experience was WHERE?", Dan laughed as Alice told of her first 'experience".

"It was nothing, really!", Alice insisted. "We were at my house on the floor of the living room!" The entire tribe, along with Alice, howled with laughter.

(CONF) "Dan started this neat bonding activity!", Alice explained. "In order to really get to know each other, we were just talking about sex non-stop, about all our crazy experiences! I wasn't sure at first, but he's handled it really well and we're all having fun!"

"My first time was after my High School prom!", Sam explained. "We were dancing all night and it just works you up I guess! You get excited!" As everyone laughed, Dan could see Stu and Kendra returning to camp in the corner of his eye. "Hey, I think the two are back!"

(CONF) "I FINALLY saw Stu and Kendra coming back to camp!", Dan explained. "And thank God for that, because now they can be a part of the tribe! I don't like when people won't join the group and be social, so now they have a chance to do that, it's better for their minds to be social, rather than going off somewhere random!"

"You've been gone forever!", Dan proclaimed. "Come on, we're having fun and you two should participate!" He then had Stu and Kendra huddle up in the circle, turning to them.

"What are you guys doing?", Kendra asked curiously.

"We're talking about our first sexual experiences!", Dan exclaimed. "It's a little ice breaker activity!" Kendra and Stu grew visibly unnerved.

"You sure we should do this?", Stu asked.

"Don't be silly!", Dan insisted. "Everyone else is having a blast with it!"

Gulping, Stu began to sweat somewhat. His eyes facing everyone, he mustered up a sentence.

"Nothing much to write home about, just a house and a bed.." Everyone nodded. "Very good!", Dan remarked. "Very good indeed! Kendra, what about you?"

"...Same as Stu pretty much!" The tribe nodded again once more. "Completely legitimate! Since everyone's shared their experiences, I think we can start heading off to sleep, since it's pretty late now!", Dan remarked. The crowd then broke up, as Stu and Kendra shuddered.

(CONF) "That was a very awkward experience", Stu recounted. "Dan thought it was brilliant to force everyone to discuss their sexual lives and I just couldn't stop shaking! I'm not a virgin, but I also haven't had many relationships and I HATE being asked questions related to it! Who does this as an ice breaker?"

Eventually, everyone at Oseberg fell asleep as the sun set once more. The next day, it rose high in the sky as a note of parchment was sticking out of a nearby tree. "Treemail!", Kendra noted as she took the note. She then began to read it out loud.

"Today you all become vikings, you will live like they did. So get your cargo in your ship, put up a wall and rid!" Everyone looked closely at the note and read along with her.

(CONF) "We have our first challenge and I'm hoping we can pull it off!", Rob explained. "We haven't seemed totally cohesive as a group, but with some of the people on our tribe, I definitely think a win is possible! If we go in, give em' hell and kick ass, we shouldn't be going to tribal any time soon!"

Everyone then put their hands in a circle and lifted them up. "OSEBERG!", everyone shouted. Back at Gokstad, the tribe had just finished reading their note.

"Alright, so this should by a synch! Let's show them what we're made of!", John shouted in excitement.

(CONF) "The guys have been grouping together and that makes me nervous", Gina explained. "I really hope we can win immunity, because I don't want to go all due to some little boy's club, so I'm not going to hold back for this challenge at all!"

The two tribes then rowed to the island where the challenge was being held, where Jeff was standing proudly. "Come on in guys!", he called to them. Gokstad and Oseberg then arrived on their respective mats. "Welcome, Gokstad and Oseberg!", Jeff welcomed them. "Ready to get to your first immunity challenge?" Everyone nodded.

"Great! For today's challenge, it will be divided into three legs! Historically, vikings were a violent group of individuals and like many violent societies, they needed to use and transport weaponry, which you'll be doing today! First, three members from each tribe will race into the forest and find a box of cannonballs. It's very heavy, so you'll need strong members. After this has been accomplished, the next three members will race with the chest out into the ocean and place it into a boat. They will then dive down to the buoy the boat is tethered to and unhook a bag of puzzle pieces. Once the puzzle pieces have been brought back to shore, the final three members will use the pieces to assemble a wall, to protect their weaponry. First tribe to assemble their wall, wins immunity!" Jeff then revealed the immunity idol, which was of a viking ax with a helmet attached. "In addition, you'll be competing for fire, in the form of flint! I'll give you a moment to strategize."

"I think I can get the balls", Ally offered. "I have a lot of upper arm strength!"

"Very well", John nodded. "Me, you and Andrew can get the balls, while Amanda, Julie and Gina can swim out with them."

"So, I'm guessing me, Will and Kelly will assemble the puzzle?", Isabel asked. "I'm an engineer, so I'm really good with them!"

John nodded. "Yes, you three will be doing the puzzle!"

Oseberg then made their decision. "I'll get the balls with Sam and Rob", offered Dan.

"I can swim!", Alice begged. "Can Eric and Olivia swim too?"

"You sure?", Olivia questioned. "I didn't swim so well on the way to camp!"

"Yeah, you can do this!", Dan offered. "Then Stu, Kendra and Catherine are building the puzzle!"

Jeff stood in his place as everyone was ready. "For immunity and reward, Survivor ready? GO!" John, Ally and Andrew dashed off into the forest, while Dan, Sam and Rob trudged behind. "Gokstad off to an early lead, Oseberg needs to pick up the pace!", Jeff announced. Despite his wheezing, Sam persevered, refusing to take a break. John, Andrew and Ally eventually reached the crate, grabbing it together and trudging back. "Gokstad is widening the gap!" The rest of Gokstad cheered, while the members of Oseberg grew nervous. Eventually, Sam, Dan and Rob grabbed their chest and wadded back as quickly as they could. Gokstad reached their mat, then handed the chest to Amanda, Julie and Gina. "Gokstad can now begin transporting the chest!", Jeff yelled. Oseberg then handed their chest to Olivia, Eric and Alice. "Oseberg, you need to move it!", Jeff exclaimed.

Amanda, Julie and Gina grunted as they moved the heavy chest through the water. Eric, Olivia and Alice were slowly catching up with them as they all began panting. Finally, Gokstad set the chest in the boat. "Gokstad has their chest up, they can now dive for the pieces!" Amanda dove into the water and unhooked the bag of puzzle pieces. The three Gokstad girls began swimming back, while Olivia struggled to retrieve the bag for Oseberg. "Oseberg, is FALLING behind!", Jeff yelled. Once Amanda, Julie and Gina reached the shores, they handed the bag to Will, Isabel and Kelly. Olivia still was having trouble with her bag, while Eric dove down and retrieved it for her. "Gokstad, you can begin working on your puzzle!" Will, Isabel and Kellly took out the pieces and began putting them in the frame for the wall. Oseberg finally reached the shores, handing their bag to Stu, Kendra and Catherine. "Oseberg now can be finally working on their puzzle!" Isabel was making quick work, while Will and Kelly were huge assets as well. The rest of Gokstad watched nervously as they assembled it.

Meanwhile, Stu and Kendra were struggling to put the pieces in correctly, frustrating Catherine. "Oseberg is completely LOST in this challenge, while Gokstad has a nice rhythm going!", Jeff exclaimed. Isabel continued placing pieces into the proper spots, while Oseberg was only making minimal progress. "The gap CONTINUES to widen!", Jeff yelled. Eventually, Isabel placed the final piece into the slot. "Jeff, we're done!", Isabel yelled out. Jeff then walked over to Gokstad's puzzle to examine it. "And you're correct! GOKSTAD WINS IMMUNITY AND FLINT!" The members of Gokstad then began cheering wildly, while Oseberg looked on with major disappointment, especially Stu. "Fuck!", he exclaimed.

"Gokstad, you're safe from the vote, no one is going home tonight! There's flint waiting back at your camp, go enjoy the night off! Oseberg,I have nothing for you but a date with me at tribal council, where one of you will be the first person voted out of Survivor: Faroe Islands! Grab your stuff and head back to camp!", said Jeff.

(CONF) "Stu and Kendra were beyond PATHETIC in today's challenge", Catherine explained. "And not only that, but they've been complete hindrances at camp, so we should definitely vote one of them out tonight! If they're going to keep causing problems for us, we can't have them around!"

Oseberg rowed back to camp in defeat, moods low amongst the tribe. "Damn it", Sam muttered. "We were so close!"

"Yeah, but we can always win next time!", Dan reassured.

(CONF) "The challenge didn't go our way tonight", explained Dan. "Stu and Kendra really slowed us down on the puzzle and that definitely cost us the win. Not only that, but they haven't helped out around camp or really been involved socially and I don't want that weighing down morale at the camp, so this should be an easy choice tonight."

Dan gathered up Olivia to discuss the vote. "Hey, I want to talk to you for a moment."

"What is it?", Olivia asked curiously.

"I want to vote out Stu, I think", Dan said. "He's been doing a lot of things that aren't gelling well with the tribe, like playing 'Outcast' and going off for hours. I know you didn't do amazing at the swimming portion of the challenge, but you're not ruining morale like he is. Know what I mean?"

Olivia nodded. "Yeah, that makes total sense!", she exclaimed. "He definitely isn't really involved with us and he didn't do well in the challenge either."

"Glad you think so!", Dan said. "I'm going to talk to the others.", he said before walking off.

(CONF) "I'm really happy that Dan wants to keep me!", Olivia beamed. "I thought he might have been upset about me not doing so well at the challenge, but he was nice enough to reassure me! It makes sense for Stu to go, simply because he's been kinda standoffish so far and didn't do so well in the challenge, so it's a decision I'm fine with!"

Eventually, Dan found Rob, Sam and Eric. "So, do you guys want to vote out Stu? I think he's been a liability so far."

"Yeah, that works for me!", Sam exclaimed. "He's been a bum this entire time! We don't need bums around!"

"That makes sense", Rob nodded. "Wouldn't be good to keep him here when he didn't do well in the challenge."

"And he's been a loner", Eric added "Not helping us at all!"

"Great, now I just need Catherine and Alice and we're in!", Dan beamed.

(CONF) "Stu's a total lazy ass!", Sam exclaimed. "Hasn't helped with shelter building, firewood, fishing, none of that! A tribe's like a family and if you aren't helping in your family, you can't be part of that family! So I'll send him straight up the river off our island and I'll love it!", he laughed.

Finally, Dan found Catherine and Alice. "Do you two want to vote out Stu?", he asked them.

"Absolutely!", Catherine exclaimed. "Totally useless and incompetent!"

"He definitely hasn't been very friendly or helpful", Alice added.

"Works for me!", Dan smiled as he walked off, feeling triumphant.

(CONF) "This was settled very easily!", Dan proudly proclaimed. "I'm really, really thinking this is going to be a great night for everyone and we're going to have a new lease on this game once we get out Stu! Seriously, this entire tribe seems stacked and ready and I'm just so HAPPY to know we have a chance! I'm going to love tonight!"

Off on another part of the island, Stu and Kendra discussed their plan of attack.

"I'm really thinking of bringing my idol", Stu told Kendra. "I have an idea of who I want out, but I'll let the tribal play out before I decide who to vote for."

"That's a good idea", said Kendra.

(CONF) "Me and Stu are going to bring the idol to Tribal Council", Kendra explained. "We aren't exactly very popular with the tribe and this would be the best move for our game, to make sure we can be safe and take out someone who is threatening us! This should be easy!"

"I'm ready to go", Stu said before the two caught up with the rest of the tribe and walked off to tribal council.

(CONF) "I definitely don't want to take a risk by not bringing my idol", Stu explained. "I've made enemies on this tribe and I'm not prepared to just lay down and walk all over me! Certain people have been grinding my gears and if I'm going to do anything about it, it would be to use this idol against them! A big move on day 3 never was a bad thing too!"

Eventually, Oseberg arrived at Tribal Coucil, which resembled a sunken viking ship. They entered through a hole in the ship and took the torches behind them as Jeff gave the standard tribal council greeting.

"Behind each of you is a torch, please take one and dip it in the fire. In this game, fire represents life and once it's gone, so are you!", Jeff replied. Everyone did as he said and then sat down, ready for the questions.

"Sam, what do you think caused your tribe to lose today?", Jeff asked.

"It's pretty plain and simple to me", Sam said candidly. "Stu couldn't build the puzzle to save his life and here we are now!"

"Stu, what do you make of that, that Sam insinuated your puzzle skills are what caused the tribe to lose?", Jeff asked.

"I wasn't doing amazing with the puzzle, but if I had time to think, I could have done incredible!", Stu defended.

"But you don't HAVE time on Survivor, you need to be quick!", Sam retorted.

"I had a lot of pressure! I was nervous!", Stu grumbled.

"Don't make excuses, own up to your mistakes!", Sam continued.

"Catherine, what do you think of this argument between Sam and Stu over puzzle performance?", Jeff asked.

"I completely agree with Sam", Catherine started. "Stu, you frankly did awful and you have to accept it! I'm not going to let you off scot free for this!"

"I swear, I did the best I could! Don't you assholes appreciate effort?!", Stu screeched.

"Effort isn't enough! You have to be successful for it to count!", Catherine fired back.

"It's much harder than that!", Stu yelped.

"Kendra, what do you think of what Sam and Catherine are saying?", Jeff asked.

"I do get their points, but they should be a bit less harsh on Stu. He tried his best and we have to move on from that and just try to do better next time.", Kendra explained.

"Dan, what are you basing your vote off of tonight?", Jeff asked.

"It's really simple for me", Dan explained. "Challenge strength matters a lot, but you need people who will be active members of the group and I don't think Stu has been one!"

"Stu, do you agree or disagree with this, that maybe you haven't been as socially active in the group?", Jeff asked.

Stu nodded. "Yeah, I take some time to warm up to certain people", Stu explained. "I couldn't gel well with the group, they were talking about things I didn't really connect with!"

"The bonding exercise, you mean?", Dan asked. "That was meant to bring us together!"

"It really only squicked me out!", Stu complained. "It brought me farther away if anything!"

"Rob, do you know what this means?...A bonding exercise?", Jeff asked confusedly.

"We were discussing our first sexual encounters today at camp",Rob explained. "Dan thought it'd be a way to bring people together. If it wasn't your thing Stu, I apologize."

"Thank you", Stu replied to Rob. "But that's the thing! Dan didn't seem as aware about this and he's just been breathing down my neck since we got here! I have to gather supplies, talk to people, I want to do MY thing!"

"That's not Survivor!", Dan exclaimed. "It's a SOCIAL game!"

"Olivia, any concerns tonight?", Jeff asked.

"I honestly always am a little concerned", Olivia explained. "I'm hoping it's not me, but I also hope this tension dies down, because it's bad for all of us!"

"Dan, do you think this will be an easy vote?", Jeff asked. Dan nodded happily. "Absolutely! I think this will be easy and bring us all together!" Kendra and Stu then turned to each other, nodding.

"Well, let's see how easy it is! It's time to vote! Sam, you're up!", Jeff said. Sam then walked up to the podium, scribbling Stu's name onto the parchment. "Sorry buddy, but bums gotta go." He folded his vote up, then placed it into the urn. Kendra, Dan, Rob, Eric, Olivia, Catherine and Alice then voted, with Stu going last. Stu's vote was not seen, but he could be heard saying. "For someone who boasts about a social game, you sure seem to lack one. Enjoy the horns, baby!" Once he placed his vote into the urn, he sat down.

"I'll go tally the votes", Jeff said. He then walked to the urn, then came back with it. "If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and you want to play it, now would be the time to do so." Stu exchanged a glance with Kendra for a moment, then stood up, shocking everyone. "Jeff, I'm a fighter and I won't give up just yet!", Stu exclaimed as he walked over to Jeff with his idol. "I'm using it on myself!" He then walked back to his seat, while everyone's jaws dropped, particularly Rob, Sam, Dan and Catherine's. Kendra and him fistbumped each other.

"The rules of Survivor state that in the event that a hidden immunity idol is played, the person with the next highest amount of votes will be voted out instead. This is a hidden immunity idol, so any votes cast for Stu will not count! I'll read the votes."

"First vote....Stu, does not count" Stu smiled happily.

"Second vote...Stu, does not count"

"Third vote....Stu, does not count"

"Fourth vote....Stu, does not count" The other members of Oseberg began to become nervous, Olivia antsily awaiting the results.

"Fifth vote...Stu, does not count"

"Sixth vote....Stu, does not count"

"Seventh vote....Stu, does not count"

"Eighth vote........Dan, one vote Dan, one vote left" Dan was in complete shock over this.

"First person voted out of Survivor: Faroe Islands....Dan, you need to bring me your torch". Dan was still in disbelief, but did as Jeff said and grabbed his torch, shouting "Oh my god!". He then placed his torch down in front of Jeff. "Dan, the tribe has spoken". He then snuffed Dan's torch. "Time for you to go!" Dan turned to his tribe, waving goodbye happily. "Good luck guys!" He then walked off into the night, while the rest of Oseberg looked at Stu angrily, minus Kendra.

"That was EASILY one of the most shocking votes in the history of Survivor and whether you sink or swim will all come back to this one moment! Either way, Survivor history was made tonight! However, there is a silver lining in all of this! There will be flint waiting for you guys back at camp!" Everyone cheered once hearing this "Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night!" The rest of Oseberg did as Jeff said, flames high in the sky as the moon shone brightly.

Dan's Final Words: "WOW! I did NOT see something like that coming tonight! I thought Stu was just going off and talking about Survivor more, but he clearly had bigger plans than I had in mind! I'm still wishing everyone well, including him and hope this tribe kicks ass and takes names, it's been a great adventure!"


Stu: Dan, Sam, Rob, Eric, Olivia, Catherine, Alice (DID NOT COUNT)

Dan: Stu, Kendra

Episode 2: "He Just May Be the Lunatic I'm Not Looking For!"

Last time on Survivor....the eighteen castaways were divided into two tribes of nine. Gokstad, wearing red, and Oseberg, wearing blue, both named after famous viking ships. At Gokstad, John took charge and brought prosperity to the camp, while at Oseberg, Stu and Kendra had different ideas in mind, much to the ire of Dan. John formed an alliance with Will, Ally and Andrew, while Gina, Kelly and Amanda reluctantly paired up. Stu and Kendra's prolonged absence worried Dan, Eric, Rob and Sam, while Stu and Kendra found the hidden immunity idol. At the immunity challenge, Gokstad decisively won, sending Oseberg to tribal council. Though Dan lobbied for the tribe to take out the lazy Stu, he shocked everyone by pulling out his idol and sending Dan home in a shocking blindside. Seventeen are left, who will be voted out tonight?

After she laid down her torch, Catherine was fuming with anger. Dan's elimination came as a total surprise to everyone, but she was especially incensed.

"What a load of bullshit", she muttered to herself. "Total, unadulterated bullshit."

"Hey, that's just part of the game!", Stu retorted. "You have to get used to it if you aren't already!"

"No, I'm not talking to you, shut up!", Catherine retaliated.

(CONF) "Tribal council was a complete nightmare!", Catherine exclaimed. "I figured our tribe was going to get it together, vote out Stu and move on with our lives, but the little brat has to ruin our plans by pulling out an idol at the first tribal council! The FIRST! I'm not working with him, aligning with him, I just won't deal with him at all!"

Once Catherine left the area, Kendra turned to Stu. "Don't worry, she's just jealous she didn't get to pull off a big move like we did!"

"She's a peasant compared to us!", Stu bellowed with bravado. "A peasant who doesn't appreciate the essentials of survival in....Survivor!"

(CONF) "I'm so happy right now!", Stu grinned "I had no choice but to get out Dan when he was becoming so intrusive, so BAM, he was idoled away! I never thought I'd get to live out the dream THIS early, so I'm only hoping it's going to continue going up right now, because I feel like a king!"

Rob panted nervously, giving a fearful glance toward Sam and Eric. "That didn't go so well", he said in disappointment. Eric nodded somberly. "Yeah, I wish it didn't have to be Dan of all people! He was so strong!"

"I can't believe that kid pulled a fast one on us like that!", Sam exclaimed. "I swear, I hate when people do that!"

(CONF) "We were all blown away by the fast one Stu pulled!", Rob explained. "I know idols are a part of the game that you have to be used to by now, but no one's ever played one this early! The lad's pretty scary and when you have someone this unstable in the tribe, you always have to be worried about who he's thinking of going after next!"

"We can't let him get away with this again", Sam warned. "We gotta stop him!"

"Yeah, I agree", said Eric. "That's just scary, what he's capable of doing!"

(CONF) "It was the worst thing in the world to lose Dan on the first round!", Eric said aghast. "You need guys like him to keep the tribe strong and happy and all of sudden, he just ends up gone! I wish I could reverse time and bring him back here, but that isn't going to happen, so we just have to keep fighting."

"We're gonna show him, don't worry!", Sam proclaimed. "May be down, but we ain't out yet!"

"That's the spirit!", Rob cheered. The guys then walked off, resolving to put a stop to anymore hijinks. Catherine on the other hand, could not let go of her fury. She then approached Olivia and Alice, grumbling.

"I can't believe he did this! It's completely ridiculous!", Catherine exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was really shocked!", Alice said. "Then again, isn't Stu a really, really big fan?"

"He is", said Catherine "But certain fans have certain weaknesses and I know we can find his!"

(CONF) "Catherine told me she was really, really mad about what Stu did to Dan with the idol!", Alice explained. "I was definitely surprised and thought no one would or could play an idol that early, but he is the superfan while I'm not, so I guess I got schooled today! I'm on Survivor, not in college! Who gets schooled here?"

The next day at Gokstad, spirits were high as John, Will and Andrew hauled firewood over to their designated fireplace.

"That should do it!", John grunted as he threw the twigs into their proper place. "Never seen a more cohesive camp!"

(CONF) "Winning the first immunity challenge was excellent, of course!", John emphasized. "Not only did we not have to vote anyone out, while those losers at Oseberg did, but we also got flint, which is integral for making fire in this game! Aside from the usual 'fire = life' spiel you hear at Tribal Council, you need it to cook food, which is great, since we're on fire now in more ways than one!"

"I'll go get the fish to prepare", Andrew replied. "Hey, where's Ally by the way?"

"Good question", Will responded. "I'd answer, but I haven't built a compass yet!"

Just as they mentioned his name, Ally could be seen moving his hands in strangely choreographed motions.

"1000 points! 2000 points! 3000 POINTS, WE HAVE A NEW RECORD!", Ally exclaimed. "And that makes me the grand champion of Tony Hawk Pro Skater Reborn!"

(CONF) "Really happy we won that challenge", Ally explained. "I just didn't want to go to tribal council and have to get into the voting politic crap! I'd rather be having fun at camp and just doing my thing and that's precisely what I'm doing right now! Wanted to think of skating, hence Tony Hawk Pro Skater!"

"I think our question has been answered", John remarked. "Ally, stop playing that bloody game and get over here, we need to talk about important things!"

"Right now? Can I have five more minutes, pleaaaaaase?", Ally begged childishly.

"No, you're coming now and that's final!", John demanded.

Ally grumbled and then trudged over in disappointment. "Fiiine!" Andrew was amused, but also exasperated.

(CONF) "Ally is really, really hyperactive, almost akin to the way a child is!", Andrew explained. "That can be good to defuse tension or liven up a really boring day at camp, but it also gets in the way of discussing necessary game decisions, which is a major hindrance. I think he'd be a definite asset if he calmed down a little bit, so I'm hoping we can get through to him."

"So", John began, "We need to determine who our fifth ally is going to be, since there are only four of us. Do any of you have any ideas?"

"I'm not entirely sure", Will replied. "That said, I think that Isabel could potentially work. She seems calm enough and good at puzzles, since she helped us win the challenge yesterday."

"Yeah, Isabel did seem calm", Andrew added. "Much calmer than Gina for sure, who seems a little bit belligerent to me. I haven't spoken to her much, but I get the idea that she's more stubborn and less willing to work with us."

"Who's Isabel again?", Ally asked in confusion.

John wanted to facepalm for all of eternity, but he needed to give off an air of fatherly patience. "She's the latina mother, the one who did well on the puzzle. I don't recall her being in any alliances we know of, so I think she's the one to choose."

Will nodded. "That sounds reasonable. Should I go approach her?" John nodded.

"Yes, you would do well at the job. Tell her your thoughts and explain why she should join our alliance." Will nodded compliantly and headed over. "Will do!", he exclaimed.

(CONF) "John told me that he thinks Isabel would be the best choice for our alliance", said Will. "I think that's reasonable enough, given that she doesn't seem affiliated with anyone at the moment. I think she'd add a sense of maternal sensibility, just as John has added a sense of paternal sensibility to the tribe. We're almost akin to a family, with Ally and Andrew being my temporally opposite siblings. I wonder who our dog is, though..."

Isabel was drawing in the sand, when she saw Will approach her. "Hi Will", Isabel replied flatly. "What is it?"

"It's about an alliance", Will began explaining. "John wants you to join up with me, Andrew and Ally. Are you in?"

"Well, are you guys going to be stable? I've heard there have been some tensions and I'm not sure I want to be involved in that", Isabel replied apprehensively.

"Don't worry, there won't be any issues", Will reassured her. "Sometimes we snark about Ally's tendencies to live out his skating obsession, but that's the extent of any internal issues."

Isabel laughed at his wording, nodding. "Well, that sounds reasonable enough. I'll join!"

"I'm glad! We could always use a bit more stability in this game!", Will exclaimed. "I'll go tell John!" Isabel waved bye as she saw him walk off into the distance

"Bye Will!", Isabel replied in farewell. "Perfect!", she chuckled to herself. "Now the game can begin!"

(CONF) "I was waiting for this to happen", Isabel explained. "I knew being in an alliance would be important, but I was wise to remember that in the game, women are seen as aggressive if they do things like this. You need to let the men come to you and make the move first, so that way, they don't take it as an attack against you! That's how you deal with a man and I think I can deal with those four knuckleheads easily by sitting back and letting them self-destruct!"

Over at Oseberg, the tribe received their treemail in a nearby pine tree. "Treemail!", Stu called out as the tribe gathered around him.

"Today involves breaking things down and dumping them at sea. Then take em' back, cause there is more, then club them utterly!" He then discarded the note, shrugging. "Sounds like a violent challenge."

(CONF) "I wouldn't mind winning today's challenge!", Stu exclaimed. "While I like voting people out and making moves, there are times when I want to do FUN Survivor things, such as re-enact obscure scenes from older seasons! So I'm hoping we can get our sh*t together and go medieval, er viking on the Gokstads!"

With that, the two tribes headed off to the challenge site, where Jeff awaited them. "Come on in guys!", he greeted the two tribes. Gokstad entered first, uniformly arriving onto their mat. "Gokstad, getting your first look at the new Oseberg tribe, Dan voted out at the last tribal council." As Oseberg arrived, several members of Gokstad looked on in utter shock. "John, you seem a bit taken aback by what you've just seen. What do you make of this?", Jeff asked.

"I definitely didn't think he'd be the first bloke to go, but crazier things have happened! There's always a nutter once in a while!", John remarked, to everyone else's amusement. Jeff held back laughter as he turned his attention to the challenge. "Ready to get to today's reward challenge?" Everyone nodded excitedly.

"Very well. For today's challenge, you will work in four pairs of two. The first pair will destroy the puzzle wall you created in the previous challenge. Once it's destroyed, the next pair will race out to the ocean and empty the boat you loaded previously. Once it's empty, those two people will race back with their boats through the water, to the shore. They are going to be VERY heavy, as they are filled with water. Once that pair gets back to shore, the next pair must empty the boat. The final pair must destroy their boat with a viking sledge hammer. This was necessary during viking times to deter waring tribes. The first tribe to destroy their boat, wins reward! Wanna know what you're playing for?"

Everyone nodded once again, this time even more excitedly.

Jeff then continued. "The winning tribe will get a deluxe fishing kit! Snorkels, flippers, spears, you name it! The losing tribe will get....NOTHING! Gokstad, because you have one extra member, you need to sit someone out. Who will it be?"

Amanda then promptly raised her hand. "I will Jeff!" She then headed toward the bench. "Alright, I'll give you guys a moment to strategize".

Eventually, the two tribes determined their four groups of two and looked fiercely determined to win. "For Gokstad, the wall destroyers will be Isabel and Ally! For Oseberg, they will be Olivia and Eric! For Gokstad, the swimmers will be Julie and Kelly, for Oseberg, they will be Stu and Kendra! For Gokstad, the boat emptiers will be Will and Gina, for Oseberg, they will be Catherine and Alice! And finally, for Gokstad, the boat smashers will be John and Andrew, while for Oseberg, they will be Rob and Sam! Survivors ready? GO!"

Isabel and Ally immediately got to work, pounding at the wall, while Olivia and Eric were not as quick to make progress. "Gokstad has an early lead, Oseberg is falling behind!" Olivia tried her best to destroy the wall, but it was no use against Ally and Isabel. Immediately, they broke down half the wall, then beginning to mow down the second half.

"Come on, we gotta catch up!", Olivia exclaimed. Eric nodded with sweat pouring down his face. Isabel and Ally continued to punch away at their wall.

"Ally and Isabel are EXPANDING the gap!", Jeff yelled. Just as he said this, Isabel and Ally bolted out of the wall, running to their boat. "GOKSTAD HAS KNOCKED THEIR WALL DOWN, THEY CAN BEGIN THE SECOND LEG!"
