This is a wiki project to gather online fanfiction based on the Canadian animated TV series, Total Drama, which is a "show within a show" that parodies reality television. Total Drama premiered in its native Canada on Teletoon in 2007, and premiered in most of the rest of the world in 2008. We are currently editing over 2,914 articles and 18,908 images since October 19, 2008, and you can help! |
Where to start
Story library (Classic stories • Modern classics • Current favorites • Story reviews)
Good examples of stories
Featured QuoteThe current Featured Quote is...“It doesn’t take a psychic to realize that you’re deepening your voice because of your deep-rooted insecurities,” Janelle said with a heightened eyebrow. She put a hand on Haru's shoulder, and continued with, “Tell me, who was it that bullied you as a child? Was it your parents, or a sibling? A classmate? Perhaps it was an ex.” Although his skin was mostly covered by the costume he was wearing, Haru’s eyes were visibly raised in surprise. “Did you read my file or something? You’re kind of creepy.” “Pot calling the kettle African-American,” Ivy muttered under her breath. --Total Drama: Mount Olympus, Chapter 1, written by OHF |
News & Events |
Featured UserThe current Featured User is... Red Panda 5, aka Benji, has been a user on this wiki for over two years. Benji is an active and friendly user who has a lot of enthusiasm for his fanfictions! Congratulations Red Panda 5! |
Featured ImageThe current Featured Image is... This is an image of BFFFLs Julie and Nellie competing in a race for a future fanfiction, with the image drawn by Reddude! Congratulations Reddude! |
====DisclaimerThe stories and fanfictions in this site are derivative works under the United States copyright law, meant solely for non-commercial entertainment purposes. The Total Drama series and all its characters are registered trademarks of Fresh TV, Inc. This website and its authors do not own or are in any way affiliated to Total Drama or involved in the production thereof. Provided that you ask permission to the respective author, anyone is free to use the content of this site, as long as you don't operate illegally or in any way that infringes copyright. |