Total Drama Island Fanfiction wikia

The sequel to Total Drama Paradise!

The twelve contestants will go around the world facing impossible challenges!



Host: Nalyd

Assistant: Bob the Leprechaun

Other Assitant: Frank the Gnome


Dominating Pioneers








1. Sally Crushing Explorers

2. Sheldon Striking Tourists

3. Amanda Striking Tourists

4. Hank Striking Tourists

5. George Crushing Explorers

6. Jillian Striking Tourists, then Dominating Pioneers


Chapter One - “Welcome to Total Drama World.”

Total Drama World Chapter One

From all over Canada, twelve planes take off. These planes are heading for Paris, France. None of the twelve passengers is looking for a vacation. They are looking for one million dollars. “Welcome to Total Drama World,” Nalyd said to the twelve new contestants as they got off the planes. “All of you applied to season one, Total Drama Paradise, but as you can tell we aren’t in Amard. This season we will be going all over the world. Before we begin, how about you introduce yourselves?”

“’Sup dudes?” said a tall boy in black. He was a little overweight. “My name is George.”

“I’m Amanda,” a red haired girl said. Her clothes looked like a rainbow had exploded on her.

“Hey, y’all,” said a girl with dyed hair. She spoke with a southern accent. “My name’s Britanny, but you can call me Brit if you want.”

“My name is Greg, how is it going?” Greg wore a lifeguard shirt, and a blue hat.

The next boy looked very sad, but still waved to everyone. “Hi, I’m Hank,” he said quickly.

“The name’s Jillian,” growled a mean looking girl. “Don’t wear it out.”

A short, scrawny boy cleared his throat. “I’m Charles. Not Chuck, not Charlie, Charles.”

“My name is Sheldon,” said a boy in a lab coat. He also wore huge glasses.

“I’m Jessica!” a girl giggled. “This is going to be so fun.” Charles cringed at the sing-song sound of her voice.

“Hey guys, I’m Keyana,” said a girl wearing a shirt that read “Sista.’”

An incredibly obese, mean-looking boy was next. “I’m Rob. I’m big, but I’ll mess you up!”

The last girl in the lineup was jumping up and down. “I’m Sally guys; it’s good to meet all of you.”

“Okay,” Nalyd said, “It looks like we have an interesting lineup this year. The first six of you; Sheldon, Amanda, Britanny, Greg, Hank, and Jillian, and the Striking Tourists.” Nalyd handed Sheldon an orange flag. “The other six of you; Charles, George, Jessica, Keyana, Rob and Sally are the Crushing Explorers.” He tossed a purple flag to Charles, which knocked him over. “Everybody get on the bus,” Nalyd instructed as Bob drove up to them with the bus. “Okay,” Nalyd said as they all went towards the Eiffel Tower, “Today’s challenge is climbing the Eiffel Tower!” The contestants gasped at this. The Striking Tourists felt like they were at an advantage without the heavier contestants on their team. They arrived and the twelve contestants got out of the bus. “All six people form each team must get to the top. Go!”

Britanny, Jillian and Greg took an early lead, followed by Hank. The Crushing Explorers struggled to get anywhere. “Of course we get the three tubs of lard,” Charles moaned.

“This tub of lard is about to do some serious chowing down on something scrawny and tasteless!” Keyana exclaimed.

“On who, Jessica?” Charles asked.

Keyana glared at him, and threw him all the way to the top of the tower. He slammed face first, but held on.

“It looks like it’s up to Sheldon to make it to the top of the tower,” Nalyd said. Sheldon lacked the physical strength to make it by himself, so Hank and Greg helped him all the way up. “And the Striking Tourists win!” The Striking Tourists slid down the Eiffel tower, crushing Charles under their combined weight. “Striking Tourists will spend the night flying to the next location. The Crushing Explorers will stay here, and tonight will vote somebody off.” The Striking Tourists ran on to the plane, cheering for themselves.

George got Rob and Keyana together. “Guys, we’re the weakest links on the team. I think we should be in an alliance,” George suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” Keyana shrugged.

“Okay,” Rob said, “So who’s in charge?”

“I was hoping one of you would be,” Rob shrugged.

“I will,” Rob growled. “And I know exactly how to get the majority vote.”

Charles was sitting alone, scowling. Rob came over to Charles, and promptly sat on him. “What are you doing?” Charles screamed.

“Vote with us!” Rob growled. Charles wet himself and Rob jumped up. “Not cool, dude!” he shouted.

Charles blushed and ran away.

The six Crushing Explorers sat under the Eiffel Tower as Bob handed them each a passport. “Last season,” Nalyd explained, “we put a person’s torch out when they were eliminated. This season we burn their passport. It is time to vote.”

Jessica voted for Rob. “You’re a big, fat, meanie!”

Sally voted for Rob. “Sorry, but you are one of three weak people here.”

Keyana voted for Sally. “Later, girl.”

“I’ll tally the votes,” Nalyd said. A plane gently landed next to the Crushing Explorers, and a bus drove up to them. “Five of you will get on that plane, and one of you will get on that bus. One vote for Sally. One for Rob. Two votes for Sally, and two for Rob. This next vote is for Sally.” Sally gasped. She didn’t realize that she was a target for elimination. “The first person vote out of Total Drama World is Sally. Sally bring me your pass port.” Sally got up and started crying. She handed Nalyd the passport, which was thrown into a fire pit. Bob put the fire out, as it was spreading to the Eiffel Tower. “Sally, the team has spoken.” She got on the bus and rode away. “All of you get on the plane.”

Chapter Two - “Welcome to Egypt.”

Total Drama World Chapter Two

“All of you get on the plane,” Nalyd said to the Crushing Explorers. They were the first team to lose a challenge.

“Bye, Paris!” Jessica waved.

“Shut up!” Charles screamed.

“What’s your problem?” Jessica hissed. She glared menacingly at Charles, and he nearly wet himself.

“Now remind me why we voted Sally out over Charles or Jessica?” Keyana asked. She was a little upset, and was looking forward to befriending Sally, but didn’t want to isolate herself.

“Because we could use Charles for his vote,” Rob explained, “and I enjoy watching Jessica’s positive outlook on life bug Charles.” He and George high-fived each other and Keyana rolled her eyes.

“We rule!” Greg declared as the Striking Tourists flew southeast. The seats were arranged in rows of two. Greg was sitting with Britanny.

“Who do you guys think they sent home?” Sheldon asked. He was sitting with Amanda.

“I bet it was Charles,” Britanny said. “He’s really depressing.”

“I doubt it,” Jillian growled. She was sitting alone and everyone thought that she was asleep. “Probably one of those fat kids.”

Early in the morning, the two planes landed in Egypt. “Welcome to Egypt,” Nalyd said. The Striking Tourists were surprised that Sally was gone. “Today’s challenge is a race through the pyramids. The eleven of you will go into the tomb on the map I will give you in a moment. Each team will go to a different tomb, and both are one mile away. When you get to the tomb, you must search for the mummy, who will be Bob and his brother Frank wrapped in toilet paper. When you get to him he will give you a flag. The first team to get back here with their flag wins invincibility and Egyptian cuisine will be served to them on the plane.” Nalyd handed everyone a copy of the map. “Go!”

The two teams set off in opposite directions. “Dang, it’s hot,” George complained.

“Deal with it,” Charles said.

“There is no way the three of us are going to be able to run a mile,” Rob panted.

“I think I could,” Keyana shrugged. “I am not that out of shape, just big boned, mostly.”

“Okay, Nalyd didn’t say all of us had to make it. We’ll stay behind,” Rob said. “Go!”

Charles, Jessica, and Keyana started jogging. “Maybe we’ll have a chance now,” Jessica smiled. Charles cursed under his breath about her, but kept jogging.

The Striking Tourists were also making plans to leave people behind. “The four of us will go, and you two stay behind,” Greg said. He was referring to Jillian, Hank, Britanny, and himself going, and Amanda and Sheldon stay behind.

“Sounds good to me,” Amanda said. She didn’t really mind Sheldon, as he was the only other nerd.

The Striking Tourists were able to make it to their tomb in less than fifteen minutes, while the Crushing Explorers had another problem.

“Real nice,” Keyana muttered. She had fallen into quick sand, and Charles and Jessica couldn’t get her out. “Go on with out me,” she sighed. Charles and Jessica were displeased by that, but decided to go on.

The Striking Tourists were the first team to get to their pyramid. They found an entrance and got in quickly. “Which way?” Greg asked.

“It’s so dark in here,” Britanny said, “I can’t see the map.”

“Anyone good with fire?” Jillian asked.

“I am, give me something flammable,” Hank said. He grabbed some rocks and lit a piece of paper on fire. “Thanks Britanny.”

“Where did you get that paper?” Greg asked worriedly.

“Nalyd gave it to me. It’s the map.” She slapped her forehead. “Now what?”

They all screamed, “Help!” Hank slapped Greg.

“Take charge, man! You’re a lifeguard! Guard our lives!”

Greg saluted him. “Yes, sir! This way!” He started walking away but hit a wall. “I mean this way!” They turned around and headed in the direction of the mummy.

Jessica and Charles eventually made it to their pyramid. Neither had talked on their whole way there. They walked in and Charles was able to light a torch. “Where did you get that?” Jessica asked.

“I purchased one in the airport gift shop just in case.” Jessica rolled her eyes and they walked in. There heard a loud crash behind them and Jessica turned around. She didn’t see Charles, and the torch was on the floor.

“Charles? Knock it off!” she hissed. She took a step back and realized the floor had broken. “Charles?”

“Help!” he shouted. He was hanging onto the edge of the floor. One of his hands slipped, and he nearly fell. Jessica grabbed his hand.

“I’ve got you Charles!” she told him. She lifted him up very easily. “How much do you weigh, ten pounds?”

“N-n-n-n-ninety-three,” Charles shuddered. He thought she was going to let him fall to his death.

“Well, come on! We have a challenge to win!” Jessica ran off. Charles blushed and followed her.

The Striking Tourists had found Bob dressed as a mummy. “Give us the flag!” Jillian growled. Bob drop-kicked all of the Striking Tourists.

“That will leave a mark,” Hank said trying to catch his breath after the wind was knocked out of him. Jillian pounced on the Leprechaun and ripped the flag out of his hand.

“Let’s get out of here!” she shouted.

Charles and Jessica had reached Frank the Gnome. “Here Gnome-y, Gnome-y, Gnome-y,” Jessica said. She jumped at the Gnome but missed. Frank ran from her, but ran right into Charles’ foot. “Nice one,” she added. They grabbed the flag and left the tomb out of another entrance.

The two teams were both about half of a mile away. “We’re almost there,” Britanny said. The Striking Tourists could see Sheldon and Amanda.

“There you are!” Keyana exclaimed as she saw Jessica and Charles approaching. They used her head as a step to pass the quick sand. “Ouch!” she exclaimed. They soon gained the lead and saw George and Rob.

“We’re almost there!” Charles exclaimed.

“I see Nalyd,” Greg muttered as they approached the finish line. Both flags crossed the finish line, but Nalyd saw the winner.

“The winners are the Crushing explorers!” Nalyd exclaimed. The four Crushing Explorers, and Keyana who was dragged out of the sand by Bob and Frank, got on the plane cheering. “Sorry Striking Tourists, but I’ll see you tonight.”

The Striking Tourists stayed in the hot desert, deciding the elimination. “I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t like Sheldon. He’s a liability,” Greg said. He had gotten Britanny and Hank to ally with him.

“We definitely need Jillian here, and I could really help Amanda,” Britanny said. Hank gave them a thumbs-up but continued to frown. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” he said, “I’m just usually sad.”

Nalyd arrived shortly thereafter and handed passports out. “When you are eliminated, we will burn your passport. You will then get on a bus, while the rest of the team gets on a plane. It is time to vote.” The plane landed and the bus creeped up.

Jillian voted for Sheldon. “Bye, bye nerdy.”

Amanda voted for Hank. “I don’t want to vote anybody out, but I have to.”

“I’ll tally the votes,” Nalyd said. “One vote for Hank. Two for Hank. One vote, two votes, three votes for Sheldon. The second person eliminated is Sheldon.” Sheldon handed Nalyd his passport, which was thrown into a fire. “Sheldon, your team has spoken.” Sheldon waved good-bye and got on the bus. “All of you get on the plane.”

Chapter Three - “This is not a drill!”

Total Drama World Chapter Three

“All of you get on the plane,” Nalyd said to the Striking Tourists as the bus and Sheldon left them.

“Who voted for me?” Hank asked angrily. He realized Sheldon wouldn’t have voted for himself, so either Amanda or Jillian had.

“It wasn’t me,” Jillian said.

“I’m sorry Hank,” Amanda shrugged. “I didn’t know who else to vote for. Sheldon and I just randomly picked you.”

Hank turned his head and looked out the window.

“It’s okay Hank,” Greg said, “You’re still here and that is all that matters.” Hank shrugged.

“So who is next, then?” Britanny asked.

“Definitely Amanda,” Hank hissed.

The Crushing Explorers were enjoying their reward. They were all sitting around a table. They dined upon fig bread, pineapple rice, and Egyptian lamb. “This is so good,” George said. He and Rob each ate about thirteen plates of food.

“Exquisite,” Charles said. He raised his glass and said, “To the Crushing Explorers!” The rest of the team just looked at him and Rob threw a drink at him.

“Sit down!” he exclaimed.

Charles turned bright red and Jessica giggled at him. He walked away and took a seat in the plane. Charles took a small note pad out of his pocket and started writing in it. Rob proceeded to throw more food at him.

The next day the two planes had a problem. “This is not a drill!” an alarm blared. The ten contestants jumped from their seats. “We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please use the parachutes under your seats and jump. Thank you for riding Air Drama.”

“We have to jump?” Charles screamed.

“Yes!” Keyana shrieked.

“Who is going first?” Greg asked on the Striking Tourists plane.

“You’re the lifeguard!” Hank exclaimed. “Guard our lives, man!” Greg helped each of his teammates evacuate the plane and release their parachutes.

Rob and George willingly jumped. When they landed, people feared an earthquake. Keyana jumped after she saw them go. Charles was clinging to a seat. “Come on, Charles!” Jessica yelled at him.

“I can’t! I’m afraid of heights!” Jessica removed him from the seat and grabbed him by his collar. She jumped and he clung to her, screaming. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“No!” Jessica replied. She pulled the cord and they landed safely. The ten contestants realized that they had all landed together, and looked up to their planes. The planes were no longer going down, and looked fine.

“Got you!” Nalyd exclaimed. He emerged from a tent. “Last night the Striking Tourists voted Sheldon out. As you can all see, we are at Mt. Everest!” The contestants turned around and gasped. “About five hundred feet up are the team flags. The first team down with their flag wins immunity. There are also three immunity idols on the mountain. As you all know, that can be used to protect you. Go!” Amanda was turning blue and passed out. “Is she okay?”

“It looks like she hyperventilated,” Greg said.

“Okay then,” Nalyd said, “looks like she’ll be sitting this one out.

“Is anyone here good at climbing?” Keyana asked her team.

“I’m afraid of heights,” Charles shuddered.

“I can go,” Jessica said. The Crushing Explorers cheered Jessica on her way up.

“Bring back an idol!” George shouted.

The Striking Tourists felt that Greg would do the best. “What if I fall?” Greg asked. “Somebody else should come with me.”

“I will,” Jillian said. The two started climbing.

“Why don’t you go with them?” Britanny asked Hank. She noticed that he was in pretty good physical shape.

“I get vertigo really badly,” Hank said. “Almost had it last night when I looked out the plane window.”

“Fine,” Britanny rolled her eyes. “Hank is a weakness,” she said in the confessional. “Two of our first three challenges have involved climbing. Hey, wait a minute!” “How did you climb the Eiffel Tower?” she asked.

“I needed to make a first impression and ignored it, mostly. Didn’t you hear me screaming?” Britanny shrugged and looked up.

“Come on Jessica!” Keyana screamed. Jessica hadn’t found any idols, but thought that she saw one. She stretched her hand out and grabbed it.

“Yes!” she exclaimed. She slipped it into her pocket and continued.

Greg and Jillian were about two hundred feet up when they saw a path. “Should we take it?” Greg asked. Jillian nodded and they jumped down. “This should be easier,” Greg said as they began jogging.

Jessica didn’t see any path and just continued climbing. “It’s getting cold,” she shivered. “I didn’t know if I was going to make it,” Jessica said in the confessional. “My fingers felt numb, and then I saw a purple blur.” On the mountain, Jessica had seen the flag. “Almost there.”

Jillian and Greg had reached their flag and were reaching for it. “Got it!” Greg said.

“No,” Jillian said, “you just grabbed a rock.” Greg looked at the “rock” and put it into his pocket. He stretched further and grabbed the flag. “Let’s get out of here.” Jillian said. They ran back down the path.

Jessica grabbed the flag, and almost fell. She clung to the flag, but it eventually dislodged itself from the mountain and she fell. Her life flashed before her eyes, and she mostly saw rainbows and unicorns. She landed safely, by crushing Charles. “Thanks Charles!” she sang.

“The Crushing Explorers win!” Nalyd exclaimed.

Keyana hugged Jessica and said, “You go girl!” They got on their plane and flew away.

“Striking Tourists,” Nalyd said, “I’ve got nothing to give you guys except elimination tonight.”

“So who is going tonight?” Britanny asked Greg and Hank.

“Amanda,” Greg said.

“Okay then,” Britanny said, “Hank, how about you go see who Jillian is voting for.” Hank left and Britanny grabbed Greg by the collar. “Hank is next to go after Amanda.”

“What are you talking about?” Greg asked.

“While you and Jillian were climbing, Hank said he has vertigo. Two of our three challenges have been climbing; I think he should go after Amanda.”

“Okay,” Greg said.

That night they were in a tent at the base of Mt. Everest. “Welcome back, Striking Tourists. It is time to vote.”

Amanda voted for Jillian. “I’ve noticed that you’re sort of mean.”

Jillian voted for Amanda. “Looks like another night of ‘bye-bye, nerdy.’”

“I’ll tally the votes,” Nalyd said. “Would anybody like to play an immunity idol?” Nobody volunteered. “Okay then, once the votes have been read the decision is final. One vote for Amanda. Two votes for Amanda. One vote for Jillian. The third person eliminated is Amanda. Amanda give me your passport.”

Amanda followed the instructions and said bye to everybody. “Amanda, your team has spoken. Please get on the bus.” Amanda got on the bus and cried a little once on board. “All of you get on the plane.”

Chapter Four - “Welcome to Australia!”

Total Drama World Chapter Four

“All of you get on the plane,” Nalyd said. The four remaining Striking Tourists got on their plane, which was heading southwest.

“I don’t know if I’m the next to go,” Jillian said in the confessional. “Now that we’ve gotten rid of the weaklings, I’m the only one not in that alliance.”

“Hank is going next,” Greg confessed, “He’s a liability with his fear of heights. But that could mess up our alliance. I don’t know how it’s going down, but I don’t care because I have an idol.”

“So what movies are on the plane tonight?” Hank asked Greg and Britanny who were looking in DVD cases.

“Just Kangaroo Jack, and other movies in Australia,” Britanny replied.

“Maybe we’re going to Australia next,” Greg shrugged.

“This should be interesting,” Jillian said.

The Crushing Explorers' plane was having some difficulties. Not the plane itself, but its passengers. “I said eat the underwear!” Rob screamed. He had Charles in a headlock and was stuffing dirty underwear into his mouth.

“Leave him alone Rob,” Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Oh,” Rob laughed at Charles, “You gonna have Little Ms. Sunshine fight your battles?” Keyana and George started glaring at Rob. “Oh, whatever.” He put Charles down and Charles ran into the confessional, which was the area on the plane where non-overhead-luggage is kept.

“I hate him so much!” Charles exclaimed. He took out his note pad and furiously wrote in it.

“That was really rude,” Jessica told Rob. “What’s your problem?”

“I don’t have a problem,” Rob shrugged. He started laughing and sat down and fell asleep.

Jessica walked to the confessional where she found Charles still writing. “Wanna get some revenge?” she asked evilly.

“It’s like you can read my mind,” Charles hissed.

Rob woke up the next morning wearing one of Keyana’s bras. “What the heck is going on here?” he screamed and ripped the bra off. He then realized his head had been shaved, and whipped cream had been sprayed into his shoes.

George woke up and laughed at Rob. “Dude, someone messed with your face,” he laughed.

Rob looked in a window and saw his reflection. Somebody, namely Charles and Jessica, had written some nasty words on his forehead. Rob turned red with fury as Keyana woke up. “Nice face,” she laughed. Rob repeated some of the nastier words at Keyana. The whole way to Australia the Crushing Explorers fought.

“I think that we should lose on purpose so we can vote out Charles,” Rob confessed, “I’m sick of that little-” and he continued repeating the foul language.

The next day the two planes landed in the Australian Outback. “Welcome to Australia!” Nalyd said. The Striking Tourists felt confident with Amanda gone. “I hope you all watched your kangaroo movies we left you on the plane, because you’ll need them for the challenge.” The Crushing Explorers hadn’t watched the movies. The Striking Tourists watched a little, but grew bored. “Today we’re going kangaroo hunting. To the left of you are two cages. The first team to get a kangaroo into a cage wins invincibility and phone calls home. You are not allowed to harm the kangaroo. Bob is handing out nets and ropes. Go!”

The two teams ran into the outback and searched for the kangaroos. “Guys,” Hank said to the Striking Tourists, “I saw a movie when I was younger. These two guys gave a kangaroo a red hoodie and it loved it, so maybe we should use a red hoodie!”

“We don’t have any red hoodies,” Britanny growled. “Seriously?” she asked herself in the confessional, “a red hoodie. What an idiot!”

“You’re green one might work,” Hank suggested.

Britanny smacked him. “No way!”

“That was so funny when Brit slapped Hank!” Greg laughed in the confessional. “I’d hate to be him.”

“I think its dead,” Keyana said to her team. The Crushing Explorers were standing over a kangaroo.

“Somebody poke it with a stick,” George suggested. Rob pick up Charles by his feet and poked the corpse with him.

“Knock it off, you savage!” Charles shouted.

Keyana inspected the animal. “It isn’t shot. It must have died naturally,” she shrugged, “Which means that it is unharmed! We can bring it in!”

“Do you really think Nalyd will count it?” George asked, picking up the corpse.

“Well let’s go find out!” Keyana said happily. The Crushing Explorers charged back to Nalyd and their cage.

“I see it,” Jillian whispered.

“Who’s going to grab it?” Greg asked.

“I will,” Hank said.

“No!” Britanny hissed. “Back at home I could hogtie cattle in less than five seconds. I bet I can get this.” Britanny grabbed the net and jumped out from behind the rock the Striking Tourists were hiding behind. She charged at the kangaroo, which quickly hopped away. “Get back here!” She chased the kangaroo, but the Striking Tourists could see a plane taking off.

“The Crushing Explorers win!” Nalyd screamed as he jumped out of the plane, which had the Crushing Explorers inside. He released a parachute and landed by the Striking Tourists, with Britanny running back. “Today, because the challenge took so long, we are going to vote right now, with no planning before hand. You can go cast your votes at that rock over there.”

Jillian voted for Hank. “Loser.”

Hank voted for Jillian. “Nothing personal, later dudette.”

“I will tally the votes,” Nalyd said. “Would anybody like to play an immunity idol?” Nobody played one. “Okay then, one vote for Jillian. One vote for Hank. Two votes,” Nalyd paused, “for Hank.” Hank gasped and looked at Britanny and Greg. They looked away from him. “And the fourth person eliminated from Total Drama World is Hank.” Hank handed Nalyd his passport, and Nalyd tossed it in the fire. “Hank, the team has spoken. It’s time to get on the bus.” Hank boarded the bus, incredibly confused. “All of you get on the plane.”

Chapter Five - “We’re stranded in Australia!”

Total Drama World Chapter Five

“All of you get on the plane,” Nalyd said for the third night in a row to the Striking Tourists.

There were only three people getting on the plane; Jillian, Greg, and Britanny. “I think he should have gone before Amanda,” Britanny said, “He was cool at first but he turned out to be a real loser.” Britanny was mocking Hank’s lack of skills.

“I wonder why he was always so sad,” Greg said.

“I guess we’ll never know,” Jillian shrugged. “I can’t wait to get away from these losers,” Jillian said in the confessional. “I can’t wait for the merge!”

“With only a few of us left,” Greg confessed, “Who knows what is in store for tomorrow?”

“I don’t know how we can win with five people on the other team,” Britanny sighed in the confessional, “But if the Fighting Ducks could do it last season, so can we!”

The Crushing Explorers’ plane ride had been filled with pranks, and nobody was safe. George found sand in his suitcase instead of clothes. Keyana had orange juice poured into her eyes. Rob’s suitcases were thrown out of a window, and Jessica’s hair was dyed bright red. Charles had been pantsed by Rob several times, until he hid in the overhead luggage compartment.

“Rob is just an obese barbarian who deserves to roll in his own filth until his massive weight finally takes him all the way down!” Charles ranted in the confessional.

“Next time we lose you’re going home!” Rob screamed at Charles early in the morning.

“Let the chips fall where they may!” Charles shouted back.

“Guys there is something wrong,” George shook, the next morning.

“What is it?” Keyana asked.

“Our pilot just jumped,” George said, nearly whispering.

“What’s going on?” Greg screamed on the Striking Tourists’ plane. Their pilot had also jumped and it seemed that the two teams would have to jump. Greg, with his lifeguard skills, helped his teammates evacuate the plane safely.

“This, again?” Charles screamed clinging to the seat.

“No! This time we’re going first!” Jessica growled. She grabbed him and they jumped, and landed safely. Keyana jumped and screamed curses about Nalyd for making them jump again.

“Can we do this, man?” George asked Rob.

“I don’t know. Last time we barely made it,” Rob shrugged.

“I ain’t going,” George said.

“If you don’t go, you’re out of the alliance,” Rob growled. “I felt a surge of energy,” Rob confessed. “I figured that Keyana might turn and vote us out if we lose. So, I-” then Rob pushed George out of the plane.

All of the final eight contestants landed safely, but about one hundred miles away from each other. They found crates by their landing locations. The crates were filled with water bottles, bread, ropes, knives and flint.

“Wait, so this means,” Britanny shivered.

“We’re stranded in Australia!” George screamed. The teams could hear to huge explosions a few miles away. “We’re going to die! It’s over! Dying on a reality show; Oh, what could be worse?”

Keyana slapped him. “Get a grip bro; this ain’t over ‘till I start singing.”

“What could be worse then being stranded in the Australian outback?” Charles asked himself in the confessional. Rob broke into a screaming fit with Charles, as Charles was looking through their supply crate.

“I say we eat preppie first!” Rob growled.

“Please,” Charles said, “With all my good taste if you were to eat me you’d realize that your entire life you’ve been eating garbage cooked by a hippopotamus you call mother.”

“Oh snap!” Keyana laughed.

Jessica giggled and high-fived Charles. “Burn!” she exclaimed.

Rob lunged at Charles, who lunged back. George stood between them. “If you are going to settle this, you are going to settle this like men.”

“But he isn’t a man,” Rob said.

“You two are going to box each other.” George drew a square in the sand, and wrapped their ropes as a border. Charles and Rob took off their shirts and circled the arena. “Ding-ding,” George said.

“Rip his head off!” Jessica screamed to Charles. Keyana and George stared at her and she sat down. “You don’t see boys fighting where I come from.”

The Striking Tourists had lit a fire. “I’ll go look for food,” Greg said.

“But we have bread here!” Britanny protested.

“I’m hungry for something other than bread. I’ll take the knife and rope,” Greg said, and walked away from Jillian and Britanny.

“He’s hungry alright,” Jillian laughed to herself.

“What do you mean?” Britanny asked confused.

“He’s hungry to impress you. It’s obvious he likes you.”

“How do you know?”

“I stay up late at night. It’s hard to fall asleep when you hear, ‘Britanny, baby, I love you,’ every five minutes.”

“Wow,” Britanny giggled, “He is kind of cute.”

Greg returned a few minutes later with a black eye. “Well, there was this kangaroo and apparently kangaroos don’t like knives.”

A few minutes into the fight at the Crushing Explorers landing site, Charles and Rob were both down for the count. The two had circled each other for five minutes and then collapsed gasping for breath. “Oh my,” Charles wheezed.

“This isn’t over,” Rob panted, and then he fainted. The other three Crushing Explorers just shook their heads in awe. There were no more fights for the rest of the day. Soon two helicopters picked up the contestants, and dropped them off at an airport.

“Well, today’s challenge is over,” Nalyd said as the final eight arrived. “The challenge was to see who would survive better when stranded. The crashes you heard were sound effects, and the pilots are fine. As for the winners, the Striking Tourists clearly won; especially after that little boxing stunt. Whose idea was that?” The Crushing Explorers glared angrily at George. “So the Striking Tourists win; and can now get on their plane.” The Striking Tourists charged onto the plane. “The rest of you are going to vote right now.”

Jessica voted for Rob. “You’re a jerk!”

George voted for Charles. “Sorry dude, but my alliance has had you in their sights since day two.”

“I’ll tally the votes,” Nalyd said. “If anybody has an immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time.”

Jessica rose up her idol. “Here you go Charles,” she said. Charles gave the idol to Nalyd.

“Okay, all votes cast against Charles will not counting. One vote for Charles, that doesn’t count. One vote for Rob. Two votes for Rob. One vote for George.” Jessica and Charles gasped at this, and George choked. “Two votes for George. This means we have a tie between George and Rob. This early in the game, we have a new method for eliminations in a tie.” Nalyd held up a paper bag. “In this bag are two rocks. One rock is red and will eliminate you. The other is green, and you will be safe. Please pick a rock now.” George and Rob both picked up a rock. “On the count of three flip you hands over and reveal your rock. One.” Rob and George grew tenser with each second. “Two.”

“I didn’t know where the votes for me had come from,” George said in the confessional. “Charles and Jessica are always voting together, so I bet that they voted for Rob. This means my own alliance tried to vote me out.” George slumped in the confessional.

“Three.” The hands flipped, and George had the red rock. “George, the team has spoken. Time to get on the bus.” George got on the bus and waved good-bye to his team. “Well, the good news is the four of you have made it to the merge.” The Crushing Explorers cheered loudly, and then waved back to George. “All of you get on the plane.”

Chapter Six - "You are all now the Dominating Pioneers.”

Total Drama World Chapter Six

“All of you get on the plane,” Nalyd said to the Crushing Explorers.

“I wonder if the Striking Tourists know that tomorrow is the merge,” Jessica said to Charles.

“I doubt it, nobody told them,” Charles shrugged.

“Guys,” Keyana said to everyone. “Tomorrow we need to vote together. They have three people, and there are four here. We could be the final four.”

“I’m not aligning myself with that,” Charles said snobbishly referring to Rob.

“Yeah, sorry Keyana,” Jessica said.

Rob was asleep in his chair. “I understand,” Keyana said soberly. She was looking forward to voting Rob out in the final four, after the Striking Tourists were eliminated.

The Striking Tourists clinked glasses of soda in a victory celebration. “To us!” Greg declared looking at Britanny.

“All of us,” Britanny coughed looking at Jillian. Jillian nodded.

“Brit’s been kind of weird tonight,” Greg said in the confessional, “I don’t know what it is. Am I coming on to strong?”

“I think Greg’s love-sickness is going to ruin Britanny and his own chances,” Jillian confessed. “He’d be better off just voting himself off.”

“‘To us?’ How can he make this any more awkward?"Britanny sighed in the confessional. "He likes me which is kind of cool because I sort of like him too, but it could ruin our friendship. I guess I’ll have to see how it goes.”

The next day the two planes arrived and the final seven got on a hideous green bus. “Well, today we have a special challenge, but first it is time for news; it’s time for the merge! You are all now the Dominating Pioneers.” The Dominating Pioneers looked at their green flag and cheered proudly. “Today we are going somewhere that many of you may consider yourselves blessed not to have to go to. We are in Amard.” The jaws of the final seven dropped in astonishment. “Amard; where twenty-one hopefuls came to try and win one million dollars, but failed miserably; but one made it through. Soon, only one of you will remain. So today’s challenge is going to let you get a taste of what living here was like for our season one contestants. An eating contest! We have classic Amard food from tree bark to a three month old bear carcass. We will give you all food until only one remains.”

Everyone sat down at a table with a plate covered by a metal dome in front of them. “The winner will receive immunity and letters from home.” The contestants all started whispering to each other about how excited they’d be to get the letters.

“I wanted that reward so bad!” Keyana said in the confessional. “I’ve been missing all my girlfriends back home. How hard could this be?”

“Round one,” Nalyd said, “is the dreaded mud pie.”

“I’m not eating this filth!” Charles exclaimed.

“It’s just mud, dude,” Greg shrugged. He took a bite. “Worm!” he screamed and fell to the ground choking. Britanny ran over and gave him the Heimlich maneuver. He coughed a worm up, that landed in Charles’ hair.

“Savage!” Charles shouted trying to get the worm out of his hair.

“Not that bad,” Keyana shrugged. Jessica and Jillian also ate their mud pies.

“Totally gross!” Jessica shrieked.

Rob ate the mud pie with one gulp and burped.

“Sorry, I’m going to have to sit out,” Britanny said. She and Greg sat on a bench for people who were out. Charles sat down, covered in dirt with twigs in his hair.

“Round two!” Nalyd declared. “Jalapeno pancakes!” Bob and Frank handed out plates full of bright red pancakes.

Jessica took a bite and was almost instantly on the ground. “Too hot!” she screeched and grabbed her water. She chugged the water for dear life.

Keyana downed the pancakes quickly. “Suffer now and the live the rest of your life as a champion,” she had said in the confessional.

Rob ate the pancakes and burped. “Could I get seconds?” he asked sarcastically.

Jillian also ate the pancakes quickly.

“Okay,” Nalyd said, “We now have Rob, Keyana, and Jillian. We have plenty of rounds coming up.” The three of them ate plate after plate of mashed squid, tiger fur, tree bark, and monkey buttocks. “Round seven,” Nalyd announced, but was interrupted by Jillian throwing up. “Oh, so close Jillian! You’re out! Which means only Keyana and Rob remain.”

“I wasn’t about to give up letters from home. I was in it to win it,” Keyana confessed.

“I didn’t care either way,” Rob shrugged in the confessional. “I just wanted to win so I’d have immunity.”

“Now for the three month old bear carcass,” Nalyd smiled evilly. Bob and Frank carried in a moldy hunk of meat covered in flies. “Can you handle it?” The smell was enough to make the five contestants out of the challenge throw up again.

“Keyana, Keyana,” they all slowly chanted.

“Both of you, take a bite,” Nalyd said. Rob took a bite and swallowed it quickly.

“Not bad,” he smiled. His smile revealed a fly in his teeth.

“That’s just wro-“ Keyana said, but started throwing up.

“Rob wins the first solo immunity!” Nalyd declared.

“You put up a good fight, Keyana,” Jessica said. She, Britanny, and Greg went up to congratulate Keyana.

“Looks like you all have a difficult decision coming up,” Nalyd said, “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“Jessica, Britanny, can I talk with y’all for a minute?” Keyana asked quietly. “So heres what I’m thinking; I don’t where Jillian is standing, but I want to start an alliance with you girls.”

“That sounds great!” Jessica giggled.

“Sure,” Britanny said.

“The guys have controlled this game so far, but no girl is going to be going under my watch,” Keyana said.

“So who are we voting for?” Britanny asked.

“Greg, he is the only physical threat right now,” Keyana said. Britanny turned pale but nodded.

“This is going to be so much fun!” Jessica said happily.

Britanny left the two girls to talk to Greg. “They’re voting you off,” she said quickly.

Greg looked into the distance and said, “Okay.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Play my idol.”

“You got an idol?” Britanny asked.

“Yeah, and I’ll play it. I’m going to vote for Jillian. You have to vote for me so they’ll keep you in.”

Near the plane-landing-site, Charles was watching a fight between Jillian and Rob. “Maybe if you ate normal food you wouldn’t have done so well at the challenge!” Jillian shouted.

“Maybe you should spend less time at the gym, and more time at a buffet!” Rob screamed back. The fight had erupted because Rob rubbed his immunity in Jillian’s face.

“You’re so going home tomorrow!” Jillian shouted.

“I concur,” Charles said.

“Shut it, preppie!” Jillian and Rob screamed.

At the one hour mark, everyone pulled their passports out of their pockets and got ready to vote. “Well, Dominating Pioneers, it is time to vote.”

Keyana voted for Greg. “Later, bro’.”

Jillian voted for Jessica. “I swear I’ll go insane if I have to listen to you.”

Charles voted for Jillian. “You, sir, are a menace!”

“I’ll tally the votes,” Nalyd said. “Would anybody like to play an immunity idol?”

“I would,” Greg said. Keyana and Jessica’s jaws dropped.

“Okay, no votes cast against Greg will count. We have one, two, three votes for Greg that don’t count. One vote for Charles.” Charles instantly knew the vote was from Rob.

“I’m not ready to go home,” Charles said in the confessional. He scribbled quickly in his notebook and held up an unflattering picture of Rob kissing his own stomach fat.

“One vote for Jessica.” Jessica instantly guessed the vote was from Rob.

She was in the confessional laughing. “Kissing his own stomach fat!”

“One vote for Jillian. The next vote will be the decider,” Nalyd said. Jessica, Charles, and Jillian leaned in.

“I knew it was Jessica going, nobody likes her,” Jillian confessed. “Especially me.”

“The sixth person eliminated is,” Nalyd said, “Jillian. Jillian, bring me your passport.” Jillian threw her passport at Nalyd angrily. Nalyd ducked. “The tribe has spoken get on the bus!” he said quickly.

“Didn’t know I was a target,” Greg confessed. “It looks like this got a whole lot more interesting!”

“Another night!” Charles exclaimed in the confessional.

“All of you, get on the plane.”

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Bonus Material

(To be added after the story is over)

Theme Song

"Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doing fine." (Jessica is sitting on a stump while animals surround her loveingly.)

"You guys are on my mind." (Charles is glaring at her, until the animals attack him.)

"You asked me what I wanted to be and now I think the answers plain to see." (Rob laughs at him until Keyana slaps him.)

"I wanna be famous." (Sheldon and Amanda are typing "LOL" and "HELLO" on calculators.)

"I wanna live close to the sun." (Jillian takes the calculators and smashes them.)

"So pack your bags 'cause I've alread won." (Rob is dangling from the top of the Eiffel Tower, causing it to bend over.)

"Everything to prove, nothing in my way. I'll get there one day." (Sally is having soup at a cafe until she finds a fly in her soup.)

"'Cause I wanna be famous." (Hank is about to jump out of a plane, until he looks down, and then passes out.)

"Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous." (Greg gets a black eye from a kangaroo hitting him. Britanny runs over and put an ice pack over his eye.)

"I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous. (Whistling starts.)" (Everyone is watching an in-flight movie, until Nalyd appears on the screen.)

Audition Tapes

Amanda's Audition Tape

Britanny's Audition Tape

Charles' Audition Tape

George's Audition Tape

Greg's Audition Tape

Hank's Audition Tape

Jessica's Audition Tape

Jillian's Audition Tape

Keyana's Audition Tape

Rob's Audition Tape

Sally's Audition Tape

Sheldon's Audition Tape

's Audition Tape

Elimination Table

Contestant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Brittany Win Sheldon Amanda Hank Win Greg
Greg Win Sheldon Amanda Hank Win Jillian
Charles Sally Win Win Win Rob Jillian
Jessica Rob Win Win Win Rob Greg
Keyana Sally Win Win Win George Greg
Rob Sally Win Win Win George Charles
Jillian Win Sheldon Amanda Hank Win Jessica
George Sally Win Win Win Charles
Hank Win Sheldon Amanda Jillian
Amanda Win Hank Jillian
Sheldon Win Hank
Sally Rob

(Teams, Weeks 1-5)

  • Orange Names: Striking Tourists
  • Purple Names: Crushing Explorers
  • Yellow: Win
  • Gray: Lose
  • Orange: Bottom two
  • Red: Eliminated

(One team, Weeks 6-11)

  • Green Names: Dominating Pioneers
  • Blue: Person won invincibility
  • Yellow: Person moved on in competition
  • Orange: Bottom two
  • Red: Eliminated